1) My essential question is: What is the most significant factor in ensuring a client's confidence that the attorney will exert his/her best ability upon their immigration case?
Answer #1: The best way to ensure a clients confidence in their attorney is by having the client continuously staying physically and mentally involved in the construction of their case to emphasize the feeling of a team effort.
Answer #2: The most significant factor in ensuring a client's confidence is to truthfully keep the client well informed of the case progression.
Answer #3: The most important factor in in ensuring a client's confidence in their attorney is by having the attorney and their firm consistently represent authentic integrity.
My best answer is Answer #1 because I have learned that to ensure a client's confidence, that requires trust. The most important way to acquire trust is by not only staying involved in the process (which is similar to my answer 2), but feeling like the client is apart of a collaborative team (in which they never would have done if the attorney or firm didn't represent the same values as the client which includes my answer 3).
2) The process I took to arrive at my best answer was one gained through mentorship experience. I have noticed that the clients who kept in contact with our office are a symbol of pure confidence in not only the attorney, but in the attorney's ability to win their case. There is no correlation that I have noticed between the clients who keep in contact with the office and the success rates of their case, but there is a correlation between their attendance to the office and client's confidence.
3) Problems I faced were simple ones, though they couldn't be solved. The most important aspect about keeping in contact with the office is commuting here from wherever the client is located. Though the reasoning for our office location being in Pomona, California was basically due to the fact that the city is saturated in the demographic of people our office aims to attract, commuting for most client's have typically been a major problem because as illegal immigrants, most find unstable jobs that they have to work at most of the day and long hours through the night still making minimum wage. Minimum wage causes them to be forced into working unfair hours, making it difficult to take the time to visit our office with their families (because they have to accommodate their schedules as well). The solution we have uncovered is telephonic communication, even though it is not as strong as a bond due to it the fact that without speaking in person, it is very non-personal.
4) My most important source for answering my essential question was from a book titled: Credibility: How Leaders Gain and Lose it, Why People Demand it by James Kouzes and from my fourth interview in which the topics of credibility and trust were heavily discussed which assured my confidence in my best answer.
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