Friday, November 28, 2014

Extra November Blog- Dear Mr. President...

President Obama has many, many people thanking him as of November 26th, 2014.

When President Obama was sworn into presidency, one thing he promised was some type of immigration reform. Whether that be to the immigrants benefit was not mentioned, but either way the long awaited move on the Presidents side has finally happened. It is called: The Common Sense Proposal. It has been in the works now for many years, but recently Congress has put enormous pressure on the President to make a move, and they have made it clear that any move the President makes, Congress will surely be against it. This type of retaliation (more like a long time feud) from Congress is hurting America because our government isn't doing what is right for the people anymore, they are just doing what is right for themselves.

Obama's Common Sense Proposal has four main aspects to it:
1. Continuing to Strengthen Boarder Security
2. Streamlining Legal Immigration
3. Earned Citizenship
4. Cracking Down on Employers Hiring Illegal Immigrants

Not a bad plan right?

Those four points are to be the basis of this new plan to better solve America's immigration "problem". The first point is pretty self explanatory. In the stream of Mr. Obama giving his formal address to the country discussing this new plan, he mentioned that our security has never been more impacted at our boarders until he stepped into office. This will continue because obviously it is the most proactive move we can make that will be effective for sure, as it has in our past.

The second point addressed is to Streamline Legal Immigration. This has confused a lot of people, and by "this" I mean the title. This aspect of the proposal is simply stating a few things. The president wants to keep the most intelligently gifted math and science people here in the U.S. so that they can help fix our problems. He wants gifted individuals with new ideas and new businesses to come to America from foreign countries. Lastly, he wants to keep people from America together, despite immigration status. Families deserve the right to stay united.

The third point he makes is the most important to illegal immigrants currently living in the U.S. There are 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the U.S. and this is the part where Mr. Obama has finally decided what to do with them. Undocumented Immigrants will be able to attain provisional status in the U.S. IF they meet certain standards such as: they must pass a background check, pay their taxes from all of their undocumented time living here, learn English and U.S. Civics and pay any penalties they might have accumulated during their residency here. Once they gain provisional residency, immigrants are not allowed to have any type of welfare or federal benefits of the sort. Illegally resided children may also seek visas because it is not their fault they came here illegally.

Lastly, the fourth point is also pretty basic to understand. Mr. Obama wants to protect workers rights. People who have been hiring illegal immigrants and using them for their own personal gain and to their advantage will be punished. The penalties have been said to have significantly increased due to the President's new proposal. Why have they increased you ask? Remember as a child when your parents told you not to do something but you did it anyways, and got punished? Remember how the punishment was so much worse when you did it the second time? I believe the penalties have increased because this is basically the second warning. People hiring already have been told that this was wrong and that there would be consequences, but they did it anyways. If they continue, even after the President's warning now, then yes the punishment will be worse.

 Well hey, calls it "smart" and "effective"... then again they are the ones who originally came up with this idea...

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Blog 10: EQ

1. I reviewed the rule of three for writing an E.Q.

a. Yes, this E.Q. meets the rule of three. It is not a yes or no question, but requires significant reflective thought upon the individual answering the question to narrow down all of the possible answers to just one.
b. Yes, this E.Q. meets the rule of three. It has very formal wording which is a great thing. It also is a very broad question that could mean a few different things which makes it all the more intriguing.
c. No, I do not feel like this meets the rule of three. Although it is very close, the word "satisfies" makes me feel like the difference in opinion from responders could create some definite friction with the presentation.
d. Yes, this meets the rule of three. I found the wording simple and direct, yet still open to many answers because the person is pertaining to a specific type of pain.

3. What is the most significant factor in making a client feel confident you will win their immigration case?

Monday, November 3, 2014

Blog 9: Lesson 1 Reflection


1. Positive Statement

What are you most proud of in your Lesson 1 Presentation and why?
     I am most proud of the fact that I actually managed to get all of my points out of my notecards and into my mouth. Thank goodness I didn't pass out half way through. Also, I'm not sure if people were laughing at me or with me because I heard a few chuckles but I wasn't exactly making jokes on purpose. :)

2. Questions to Consider
     a. What assessment would you give yourself on your Lesson 1 Presentation (Self-Assessment)
I would give myself a: AE.

     b. Explain why you deserve that grade using evidence from the Lesson 1 component contract. 
I would give myself a AE because I hit all of the requirements on the rubric, and ALSO I spoke in depth about my topic, mentorship and how my Essential Question mends perfectly into both. I spoke professionally and dressed professionally as well. I gave specific examples of my mentorship without revealing identities and spoke well about my sources and how they influenced my presentation. There was no problem with volume/enunciation, body language/eye contact, or an engaged audience/content clarity.

There was also a justification with my foundation as I often mentioned my mentorship as my main resource. I sited all of my sources and referenced to them throughout the presentation. Instead of mentioning one published source, I listed three, and my application of that evidence was demonstrated throughout my presentation.

3. What worked for you in your Lesson 1?
What worked for me in my Lesson 1 was the the way my presentation flowed. What most people didn't know is that I used the methods I learned about in my Public Address class in that presentation. I signposted and used points I created to flow in a logical way throughout the presentation which I found worked really well.

4. What didn't work?
What did not work was my intro or hook activity because I messed up and said 7% when really I should have sent .07% so that was a mix up...other than that, everything worked really well!