When President Obama was sworn into presidency, one thing he promised was some type of immigration reform. Whether that be to the immigrants benefit was not mentioned, but either way the long awaited move on the Presidents side has finally happened. It is called: The Common Sense Proposal. It has been in the works now for many years, but recently Congress has put enormous pressure on the President to make a move, and they have made it clear that any move the President makes, Congress will surely be against it. This type of retaliation (more like a long time feud) from Congress is hurting America because our government isn't doing what is right for the people anymore, they are just doing what is right for themselves.
Obama's Common Sense Proposal has four main aspects to it:
1. Continuing to Strengthen Boarder Security
2. Streamlining Legal Immigration
3. Earned Citizenship
4. Cracking Down on Employers Hiring Illegal Immigrants
Not a bad plan right?
The second point addressed is to Streamline Legal Immigration. This has confused a lot of people, and by "this" I mean the title. This aspect of the proposal is simply stating a few things. The president wants to keep the most intelligently gifted math and science people here in the U.S. so that they can help fix our problems. He wants gifted individuals with new ideas and new businesses to come to America from foreign countries. Lastly, he wants to keep people from America together, despite immigration status. Families deserve the right to stay united.
The third point he makes is the most important to illegal immigrants currently living in the U.S. There are 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the U.S. and this is the part where Mr. Obama has finally decided what to do with them. Undocumented Immigrants will be able to attain provisional status in the U.S. IF they meet certain standards such as: they must pass a background check, pay their taxes from all of their undocumented time living here, learn English and U.S. Civics and pay any penalties they might have accumulated during their residency here. Once they gain provisional residency, immigrants are not allowed to have any type of welfare or federal benefits of the sort. Illegally resided children may also seek visas because it is not their fault they came here illegally.
Lastly, the fourth point is also pretty basic to understand. Mr. Obama wants to protect workers rights. People who have been hiring illegal immigrants and using them for their own personal gain and to their advantage will be punished. The penalties have been said to have significantly increased due to the President's new proposal. Why have they increased you ask? Remember as a child when your parents told you not to do something but you did it anyways, and got punished? Remember how the punishment was so much worse when you did it the second time? I believe the penalties have increased because this is basically the second warning. People hiring already have been told that this was wrong and that there would be consequences, but they did it anyways. If they continue, even after the President's warning now, then yes the punishment will be worse.
Well hey, thewhitehouse.gov calls it "smart" and "effective"... then again they are the ones who originally came up with this idea...