Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Blog 7: Independent Component 1 Approval

Independent Component-

1. For the next 30 hours of work, this is what I plan to do:

     I plan to file a DACA. That stands for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. For my Senior Project, I will focus all of my efforts on winning one individual case. The case that I chose to work on, includes several components to completely receive immigration status for the client. For my individual component, I chose something that I could do mostly by myself, but is important enough to require the supervision and guidance of my mentor. Preparing a DACA is very time consuming. It is one of the first steps of the legal process for my client. The DACA can reach to be a little over 100 pages in length.

     For the 30 hours, that time will consist of writing the necessary portions to fulfill the document requirements, filling in the forms with my client, and actually going myself to retrieve every item to complete the DACA.

2. I will be demonstrating evidence by taking pictures of my DACA's status, so for example, I could take a picture of it every ten pages. Not of the actual words, but with just enough blur to see that the work has been completed without giving away the privacy of the client. Also, every friday or every three days, I could make it a requirement to have gotten another component of the DACA completed.

3. The DACA is one of the first requirements of the process for legalization. It will definitely help me go more in depth with the project because by retrieving the information with the clients consent, I will be learning more about my client as well as the professional process of obtaining documents from legal businesses and court houses.

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