Ever feel...stuck in the middle? As teenagers we often feel this way. Stuck in-between the craving of the adulthood freedom and childhood reality we seem to live in. I like to think of the United States of America as awfully similar. We want to all of these adult things... to spend money on fast trains (the high speed bullet train proposed by Jerry Brown) and we want better technological advancements now that we are capable of making them. The problem is, we are stuck in the world of sad middle like ground I call Purgatory. Our government is currently working on getting us out of this type of Purgatory by doing what all teens anxious for cash will do...give them a budget.
A sixteen hundred page budget of 1 trillion dollars was released by congress (someone must have some really cramped fingers right now). So what exactly is this budget comprised of (as in, who is the money going to?) and how does it relate to immigration? Those are the questions I intend to focus on. $490 Billion dollars is going towards fighting the islamic state with whom we have our major defense system being the Pentagon, so that building will receive a little more than half of the whole budget (which in my opinion is ridiculous that more than half of AMERICA'S budget is going towards destroying another place in the world, but...hey. Go congress...) I'm pretty sure they think they must be pretty darn important considering they made it a fact that $21 Million dollars to reconstructing the capital dome. The restoration of an important building is $21 Million dollars that I'm positive they shouldn't have spent, oh I don't know, lowering the number of our 3.5 million homeless people in this country or perhaps helping out with the 50.1 million Americans who will go hungry tonight because it is a struggle to supply food. Nah, make sure that building is ON POINT!
Now here is another place that our money is going that will be put to some good use... Immigration! $948 Million dollars is going towards the Unaccompanied Children Program to help at the US/Mexican border. Let me make it clear that congress and the white house may not go into battle with guns a'blazing but there will be a war. Congress considers the money given for the immigration program as more than generous even though reportedly Obama feels otherwise. The money is 'as is', and there is nothing more people can do to than to work with what Congress has assured us for the budget. Most teens would complain, we should have a little bit more for the budget than just that, life isn't fair, I hate the world...that kind of thing... but President Obama took it like a man, a very un-teenage boyish man, and will work with what was given. As will our Immigration business.